
Panthera – Global Alliance of Support
“Panthera has brought together the world’s leading wild cat experts to direct and implement effective conservation strategies for the world’s largest and most endangered cats: tigers, lions, jaguars and snow leopards. Our approach to wild cat conservation is rooted in science and based upon decades of first hand field experience. We seek a future in which the world’s 38 wild cat species have the necessary and ongoing protection from human and environmental threats to persist and thrive in the wild. Our vision sees endangered wild cat populations rebounded, critical habitats and
core populations connected by genetic and biological corridors,
and a global commitment to protect these iconic species
through near and distant futures.”

National Geographic – Pristine Seas Expeditions
“Pristine Seas is an exploration, research, and media project to find, survey, and help protect the last wild places in the ocean. These pristine places are unknown by all but long-distance fishing fleets, which have started to encroach on them. It is essential to let the world know that these places exist, that they are threatened, and that they deserve to be protected.”
Photo: National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence conducts underwater surveys in a submarine during the 2013 Pristine Seas expedition to Desventuradas, Chile. Credit: Photo by Avi Klapfer. Credit: Photo by Enric Sala/National Geographic
Global Health

Children’s National Hospital
“As the nation’s children’s hospital, Children’s National Health System aims to excel in clinical care, advocacy, research, and education. We provide a quality healthcare experience for our patients and their families. We also improve health outcomes for children and lead in the creation of innovative solutions to pediatric health challenges.”

Gabrielle’s Angel Foundation for Cancer Research
“The purpose of Gabrielle’s Angel Foundation for Cancer Research is to encourage the development of more effective therapies for patients with leukemia, lymphoma and related cancers. The Foundation funds innovative clinical or basic science research that will lead to novel therapeutic approaches that could replace, or be used in combination with existing effective therapies. Such therapeutic approaches could include alternative or complementary medicine.”

Keep A Child Alive
“Keep a Child Alive believes that every person has the right to health care and that all children deserve a future. We support innovative, community-led responses that increase access to life-saving HIV treatment and care, nutritious food, and loving support for children and families living with and affected by HIV in Kenya, Rwanda, South Africa, Uganda, and India.”

MD Anderson Cancer Center
“The mission of The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center is to eliminate cancer in Texas, the nation, and the world through outstanding programs that integrate patient care, research and prevention, and through education for undergraduate and graduate students, trainees, professionals, employees and the public.”
We Are Here Movement
“We Are Here is a movement inspired by Alicia Keys to raise awareness of issues around the world that cannot be solved in isolation. We are joining together to give birth to a movement based on the idea of social ecology – that we’re all related and need to work in harmony to create a kinder and better world for all.”
Mashable Social Good Summit
“Held during UN Week from September 21 – 22, the Social Good Summit unites a dynamic community of global leaders and grassroots activists to discuss solutions for the greatest challenges of our time. During the Social Good Summit, global citizens around the world unite to unlock the potential of technology to make the world a better place.”